Validatingthe anatomical landmark technique for bedside tunneled central venouscatheter placement in the medical intensive care unit
Hanny Sawaf, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Thrombo-elastography guided correction of hypo-coagulation in patients with End-Stage Liver Disease prior to tunneled dialysis catheter placement in an intensive care unit – A pilot study
Mohammad Ahsan Sohail, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Exploring the role of community characteristics and race on vascular access management
Beini Lyu, MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI
Fistula Formation with Adjuvant Endovascular Maturation: An analysis of patient and disease specific predictors of fistula maturation and patency after formation
Harry Narroway, MBBS, MS, Gosford Hospital, New South Wales, Australia
Development of Vascular Access Specific Quality of Life Instrument
Caronae M. Howell, MD, University of Arizona/Banner University Medical Center, Tucson, AZ